Monday, October 27, 2008

Drug free bracelets

Hey everybody! k so the funniest thing happened today during advisory one of the kids in my class were passing out these rubber braclets for red ribon week that say 'COLOR ME DRUG FREE' on them and ya so she passed all of them out and then when she sat down she put hers on and everything and she's all looking at it and seeing what it says and then she goes up to Mrs. Brockbank and asks her what the bracelets are supposed to say and so the teacher asked why- of course- and so the girl showed her the bracelet and embeded into the bracelet, like the words are supposed to be, so no, it wasn't written on the bracelet, was the F word. LOL! So the girl took it down the office to show them and the woman desk is like 'Those chinesemen' it was so funny:) And then in 3rd period the teachers got an email, then all of a sudden the teachers start checking our bracelets and examining them everywhere, it was so hilarious! Anyways ya so leave comments!



Shaylo said...

ya that was funny! tee hee! we need to get "Get Smart" And watch it and stuff! Tee Hee I can't believe we got TEXTING yay! See ya

Anonymous said...

hehe that was way funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant wait to hang out so u can give me my *cough cough* PrEsEnT! that u got me when we went shopping.... that i DID NOT PICK OUT!!!!! haha jk lol

Anonymous said...

by the way how do u get pics on you blogger???? its driven me insane i cant figure it out!!