Monday, October 27, 2008

Drug free bracelets

Hey everybody! k so the funniest thing happened today during advisory one of the kids in my class were passing out these rubber braclets for red ribon week that say 'COLOR ME DRUG FREE' on them and ya so she passed all of them out and then when she sat down she put hers on and everything and she's all looking at it and seeing what it says and then she goes up to Mrs. Brockbank and asks her what the bracelets are supposed to say and so the teacher asked why- of course- and so the girl showed her the bracelet and embeded into the bracelet, like the words are supposed to be, so no, it wasn't written on the bracelet, was the F word. LOL! So the girl took it down the office to show them and the woman desk is like 'Those chinesemen' it was so funny:) And then in 3rd period the teachers got an email, then all of a sudden the teachers start checking our bracelets and examining them everywhere, it was so hilarious! Anyways ya so leave comments!


Thursday, October 16, 2008


I got my hair dyed! now it is a dark brown but since i just barley dyed it, it kinda looks black but it will fade into dark brown. It's so so so cute tho! My birthday party is tomorrow and we are going to a haunted maze and i am so scared u have no clue. -I dont do good scared:) Oh well i will wear my big puffy jacket to protect me! tee hee:) I got so much stuff for my birthday, here is what i got: puffy vest, pink hair pieces, purple hair pieces, victorias secret lipgloss(2), slice of heaven victorias secret perfume and lotion, sparkle puff, sparkle purfume, digital camra, heart earrings, bracelets, blue masscara, regular black massacra(really good kind!), purple and gold glitter eyeliner-victorias secret!, white, maroon, black, gold, and brown eye liner, old navy pajamas!, gym bag- sooo cute!, and green nail polish and pink and orange nail polish- thats all just from my mom and dad! my grandma and grandpa gave me 20 dollars! thank you so much everyone!


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Soon 2b National Holiday! (My b-day)lol

Hey everybody! guess what!!!!!!!! my birthday is today! im am now ... 14! Isn't that so awesome?!?! anyways... today one of the eletrical posts caught on fire and then the power went out at school so we didn't really do any thing... in english all we did was talk and stories and stuff:) Jesse is so sweet he gave me a birthday present yesterday-lots of bath and body works stuff and i love them:) and my friends decorated mine and kenney's locker(kennedy and shaylee did it) My birthday party is going to be this friday! We are going to a cornmaze and then having a slumberparty -in our basement dun
dun:) but it will be fun! we are going to watch scary movies 0000000000! I have to say that i hate my math class, it is so hard the other night it took me two hours to do less than 40 problems and i started ballin because i could not do it... but good news! I only got minus 5! And i really need unlimited texting! I NEED IT! tee hee. anyways so ya leave comments! peace


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Asian food and stuff

Hey everybody! Guess what?!?! I ate at a Asian Buffet for the first time-and that is what it was called btw. It was so weird! My friend Shaylee, her parents took me. They are so awesome! Shaylee's brothers were eating octopus and stuff. I pretty much and a lot of ice cream tho, but i also ate mozzarella sticks and i ate some sweet and sour chicken. We went four wheeling today it was so much fun! OM Gosh I saw the BEST movie yesterday! It was the Dark Night and I loved it! The Jokers laugh is awesome and batmans eyes are so pretty they are a dark blue and i love them. Then we went to Applebees' and kennedy came with us. It was so much fun because me, kennedy, and me sister we each got the little kid menus and we raced each other on the word search! Kennedy is so funny, like I'm serious she cracks me up:) Anyways, thanks for reading!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Hi everybody! Sorry I haven't been adding posts- don't really know what to put:) oh my, my mom got a new phone and it is a purple nokia it is so cool. So i got her old phone and it is a pink razor. I just like it because I can take pictures with it:) In FACS class we made pillows and we could choose between foot pillows or flowers or hearts or just body pillows. I did a foot pillow and it is so cute! It is pink plaid. Then with the same fabric i made a hat and right now I am working on a ball for the unfortunate children! I wish i could make one for every kid! My teacher is trying to get 50 of the stuffed fleece balls. I made the honors activity from last years term so we are having the activity in two weeks. We are going to the Classic Fun Center! Then we are going the the Mall in SLC to have lunch and wonder and stuff. But some of my friends didn't get really good grades so they can't go:( Om gosh i saw on a magazine that Miley Cirus is going out with a 20 yr old- that is sick. HHHHH guess what!?!?! Lagoons Fright Mares is coming in less than two weeks!!! I'm so excited but scared. Any ways thanks for reading my blog and leave me comments!!!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


GUESS WHAT EVERYBODY!!! i got pet rocks. there is a daddy and a mommy and then two little girls and a little boy. my friends shaylee got pet rocks too! their faces were drawn on with sharpie so they are extra special:)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

how sad

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